“I No Longer Feel Ashamed”

Poverty Truth Commissioners at the launch of the “Names Not Numbers” report. By Caroline Kennedy The Poverty Truth Commission in Scotland brings together people living in poverty alongside key decision makers. This has included members of parliament, the head of education, the head of health and even celebrities. Everybody tells their own story and shares…

Moment of Thought: Poverty and Life Choices

By Naomi Theinert – Deep down I believe that the life we live is strongly influenced by the choices we make — choices that each one of us is facing on a daily basis. Now, ideally once we are adults, these choices are made consciously and responsibly to ensure our own well-being and that of…

Anna Gave Birth

By Beatriz Monje Barón Last month, an article in the Spanish press discussed circumstances that forced a pre-adoptive family to return the child they were raising to his biological mother. According to the article, child protection services and judges stated that there is now sufficient evidence, four years after the birth and immediate separation of…

Resistance & Togetherness

Beatriz Monje Barón, UK / Mexico City On twitter @beatriz_monje I got to know Rita and Graham Edwards in London in the year 2000, a short while after arriving to live and work in this extraordinary city that so often gave the impression of being able to house all our dreams. At that time, Rita…

Assumptions and Misdirections Don’t Help Anybody

By Abby Grosslein “Gentrification, by itself, isn’t the enemy, but a compromised sense of community is.” – Evan Christopher, NolaVie: Life and Culture in New Orleans New York City – About every other week, I do laundry and grocery shop on Eastern Parkway where I live. The laundromat is not too far from the Ocean…

The Word “Humanity” Includes Everyone

By Romain Fossey For several years, I was able to join an adventure: meeting people who lived and/or worked in the streets near the Guatemala City municipal landfill. Some of the people I met there were able to contribute to a new book (in Spanish only), edited by sociologist Carolina Escobar Sarti, and published by…