Time and Tide — and Twitter Trends — Wait for None

By Diana Skelton (France) The oppressed have been silenced and unheard for as long as oppression has existed. But the rapid changes in communications in recent years are transforming the nature of what it means to be unheard. Before social media, public discourse about poverty and injustice remained highly controlled: by publishing magnates, professional lobbyists,…

Unheard Voices

by: Julia Sick (United States) We are in the small room in the basement of the shelter we work at in Queens. The heat is turned up too high and as usual there is at least one dead cockroach in the corner this Wednesday when I arrive to prepare for our adult knitting group and story garden.…

Full of Our Parents’ Courage

Fatimata reveals through her testimony her active participation in her community.  People who have known poverty can better describe the humiliations as well as the courage of parents and children in overcoming poverty. Her words were brought to the UN through different steps, different places, from Ouagadougou (on the occasion of the seminar “The poorest…

Losing Fear

[vimeo https://vimeo.com/75099286 width=”800″ height=”450″] This video was originally posted as part of the Unheard Voices project. “UNHEARD VOICES tells the story of how men and women living in extreme poverty can transform our societies and contribute to building a fairer world. In Dakar, youngsters from a very poor neighbourhood rally to transform an environmental disaster into…